“Pond”dering Something Special?
Imagine, if you will, walking into someone’s yard… the first thing you notice is the sound of falling water beckoning you to come closer. As you move toward the sound and the sight, a sea of clouds is reflected in crystal-clear water. Then you notice the darting and dancing of golden fish gliding among fragrant, blooming water lilies. Birds of all shapes and colors sing out to bathe in a gently flowing stream. Frogs and toads call out to each other as dragonflies hover over the pond in search of dinner. This is not a scene from the middle of the forest! Rather, this is a scene more and more homeowners in typical American suburbia return home to every day – an instant escape and relief from the stresses and tensions of business life.
With a little thought, planning, and planting of the right plants in the right place, water gardens can provide year-round visual appeal and beauty. The number of plant options is as endless as the palette of changing seasonal colors, size, height, growth patterns, and even in the nonsensical entertainment value of their names. Call today to schedule your appointment for the spring!